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Bring the word of God to the next generation with these resources!

Six Questions to Ask Before Making a Decision

Ministry leaders today are facing more decisions than ever before. We live in a multi-choice culture. And like a small …

Becoming a Well-Respected Leader

Leadership is influence. The quickest way to see if you’re a leader is to look over your shoulder. If no …

Four Ways to Lead With Integrity

You don’t need to read much of the Bible to realize that God cares deeply about his reputation.  For example, …

6 Commitments Every Spiritual Leader Must Make (Part 1)

Leaders are defined by their commitments—non-negotiables they must keep in order to lead effectively and biblically in a ministry setting. …

3 Temptations of Success . . . and 3 Values for Standing Strong

Success can ruin a ministry. I’ve seen it happen too many times. It sounds strange. We plan for success, we …

10 Commandments to Help Church Staff Maintain Moral Integrity

No matter how many times I hear it, it still shocks me: A pastor announces his resignation because of adultery. …

6 Vows Great Leaders Are Willing to Make and Keep

Leaders are always defined by self-imposed standards. I’m not talking about standards set by other people, but standards they set …

6 Ways to Earn the Right to Lead People

You’ll never have to earn God’s favor. God loves you and is pleased with you completely because of grace and …

How to Avoid a Moral Failure in Ministry and Leadership

One of my gravest concerns about the witness of the church to our current culture is the threat to our …

7 Ways God Will Evaluate Your Faithfulness

Pastors and leaders, I’m going to give you a sneak peek at your final exam. You’re going to stand before …

How to Keep Your Integrity As a Leader

In my previous Ministry Toolbox, I wrote about the three greatest temptations of leadership. Now I want to talk about …

The 3 Privileges and 3 Temptations of Leadership

Do you think it’s easier handling success or failure? Thomas Caryle once said, “For every one hundred people who can …

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