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Admit Your Doubts

We all have doubts. Doubt is a normal part of the Christian life, even for pastors.  Paul says in 2 …

Why Jesus Says Not to Worry

Pastor, you need a shepherd.  Yes, God has called you to shepherd others. The very term of pastor literally means …

Healthy Church Conference Goes to Côte D’Ivoire

For the past eight years, Purpose Driven has partnered with the West African country of Côte D’Ivoire to help train …

Four Reasons to Limit Our Freedom

I was still a long-haired hippie when God called me into the ministry. I’ll never forget when I was asked …

Four Ways to Mentor Young Leaders

Every leader needs a mentor.  The Bible tells us to listen to people who are a little further along in …

6 Commitments Every Spiritual Leader Must Make (Part 2)

Leadership is about commitment. God has called us as spiritual leaders to make unique commitments in how we lead others.  …

What Makes a Great Team (Part 2)

Your volunteer teams are some of the most important elements of your church’s ministry, whether they minister to your children, …

What Makes a Great Team (Part 1)

Every church needs a strong volunteer team. You can’t afford to hire enough staff to do all God wants you …

Developing a God-Sized Vision for 2020

Your biggest decision as you begin 2020: Do you want this year to be like the last? Or are you ready …

Are You Holding Back Your Church?

Is your church growing like you believe it ought to be? Churches face many different growth barriers, including small facilities …

The Power of Authentic Leadership

I believe there are two great confessions in the Bible. First, you have Peter’s great confession in Matthew 16:16: “You …

Change Requires Commitment

If you want to make changes to your church, you need to ask yourself this question: “Am I willing to …

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