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mental illness

Immerse others in God's word with these small group studies

Managing Your Mind for More Effective Ministry

  Your mental health is a critical part of your effectiveness in ministry. But it’s easy to think that your …

Dear Suicidal Me

By Joe Dear Suicidal Me: If you’re reading this, you’re not in a good place. The track repeating in your …

Testimony: Seeing Myself Through the Eyes of Jesus

By Joe I’m a grateful believer in Jesus who struggles with mental health. My name is Joe. For most of …

How the Church Can Help with Mental Health

I’ve always believed and taught that God uses our pain to help others. I’ve seen that to be true over …

The Biblical Mandate to Serve People with Mental Illness

Healthy living must be an important issue for the church, giving Christians the opportunity to lead the effort globally to …

Why We Must Put an End to the Stigma of Mental Illness

Everyone is broken. It’s a fact of life that’s not only clear from the pages of the Bible but also …

Holding On to God’s Promises

By Mary Owen, Celebrate Recovery National Training Coach My husband, Mac, and I both grew up in Christian homes with …

Testimony: Living Healthy with Mental Health

By Scott Anxiety. Stress. Depression. PTSD. They have been a part of my life since I was a child—and I …

Who Pastors the Pastor?

My cousin’s trembling voice uttered the unthinkable. “Kay, I need to let you know that Wayne took his life this …

4 Ways God’s Light Shines on Your Dark Places at Christmas

Lights are everywhere this time of year. In Southern California where I live, you’ll see the first lights go up …

Truth Over Lies

By Michael When I look at the face of this 52-year-old man in the mirror, I finally understand why my …

5 Truths for Ministering to Those with Mental Illness

I’ve always said our greatest ministry comes out of our greatest pain. That’s why Kay and I have focused the …

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