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Four Conditions for God’s Healing and Restoration

Pastor, I don’t know what you’re dealing with right now, but I suspect you may need some sort of healing. …

The Gift of Restorative Grace

By Sheila Knudson, Northeast Regional Director  Recently while reading Gordon MacDonald’s book, Rebuilding Your Broken World, I came across this …

Testimony: The Ripple Effect of Restorative Grace

By Theresa Proverbs 14:1 says, “A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her …

Truth Over Lies

By Michael When I look at the face of this 52-year-old man in the mirror, I finally understand why my …

A Father’s Love

By Nate Stewart, CR National Director – Mental Health “But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, …

My Brother Rebuilt His Life After Heroin, and My Family Had to Learn Forgiveness

I’ll never forget the night years ago when my younger brother, Andy, told me he was addicted to heroin. We …

How Jesus Heals Broken People

How do you help people take their first steps into recovery? Many people will fight it. They’ll put up a …

Just Enough Faith

By Diane My name is Diane, and I’m a grateful believer in Jesus who has victory over love and relationship …


by Sabrena Stolze, SE Regional Director, Celebrate Recovery I don’t like messy. I like neat, orderly, organized, and systematic. No …

When Pastors Fall: Why Full and Public Repentance Matters

Pastor scandals happen. Needless to say, I don’t say that with any enthusiasm. In fact, it is greatly discouraging to …

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