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How God Develops Your Faith (Part 2)

Faith is an inseparable part of your ministry. You can’t please God without it  (Hebrews 11:6). But how do you …

Keep Going!

Have you ever felt like giving up on your ministry? It’s a rhetorical question. All of us have considered giving …
Man leaping over water

Take a Leap in 2024

Commitment is key to accomplishing anything in ministry. Without commitment, you won’t finish anything. You probably know many people in …

The Giants in the Way of God’s Dream for Your Church (Part 2)

What if the best days for your church are still ahead? Sure, you’ll face challenges. But you can’t imagine what …

Surrender Every Day to God

“Surrender your heart to God, turn to him in prayer, and give up your sins—even those you do in secret. …

Testimony: Trust That God Is in Control

By Jeni Baker, Co-Global Executive Director Hi, my name is Jeni, and I’m a child of God who struggles with …

8 Steps of Making Wise Decisions

2023 will be full of decisions, and those decisions will largely define your success. But with every decision, there is …

Seeing the Future Through the Eyes of Faith

I have no idea what 2023 holds for you. But whether it’s a year where you reach your goals or …

Faith Lessons From Over 60 Years of Friendship With Jesus (Part 2)

In my previous article, I started a series looking back at my 60-plus years of walking with Jesus and describing …

Faith Lessons From Over 60 Years of Friendship With Jesus (Part 1)

Over the next few weeks, I will share the lessons I have learned in different areas of faith and ministry …

How to Grow Through Change

Change comes frequently in life and in ministry. The only thing you can predict about the future is that tomorrow …

God Is Working While You’re Waiting

“In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” …

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