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Five Steps to a Fresh START

Our God is the God of second chances and fresh starts. Pastor, as you head into 2022, you may be …

How to Prepare for Dream Busters

In my last Ministry Toolbox article, I shared some tips on how to chase big dreams. But as with any …

Eight Steps to Dreaming Bigger Dreams

Every church leader needs a dream. Most leaders start out with a dream, but those dreams tend to shrink to …

What the Christmas Story Teaches Us About God’s Timing (Part 1)

Like many of you, I’ve read and preached the Christmas story many times in my life.  But a few years …

Developing a God-Sized Vision for 2020

Your biggest decision as you begin 2020: Do you want this year to be like the last? Or are you ready …

4 Things That Matter Most in Holiday Giving Campaigns

You’ll hear one word more than any other during the holiday season. I’d like to say that word is Jesus or …

6 Ways to Prevent Vision Drift in Your Church

Your most important job as a church leader isn’t to hire and fire. It isn’t to manage a budget. It …

3 Secrets to a Less-Stress Ministry

Ministry is full of stressful moments. Sometimes it’s conflict between members or staff. Sometimes it’s just the week after a …

8 Steps to Dreaming Bigger

Everybody needs a dream. In fact, God wired you to dream dreams, and from Joseph to Daniel to Peter, the …

How to Start Growing Toward Your Vision This Year

You may be overflowing with vision for your ministry, but there is a point where you have to stop thinking …

How to Move from Managing to Leading Your Church

It’s been said many times by many different people that everything rises or falls on leadership. I don’t think that’s …

How to Put God in Charge of Your Ministry

Work dominates our lives — especially those of us in ministry. The typical American spends about 150,000 hours — or …

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