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3 Aspects of the Vision God Has for Your Church

I’m often asked, “Is there any single common denominator that you can find in every growing church?” I have studied …

How Big Is Your Vision? 3 Determining Factors

Over the years, I’ve learned that – contrary to popular opinion – the bigger the vision, the easier it is …

How to Discern God’s Vision For Your Church

One of the questions I’m asked most often is “How do I get God’s vision or dream for our church?” …

How God Grows You Through the 6 Phases of Faith

Did you know that God uses a very predictable process to build your character? I call it the Six Phases …

The Crucial Difference Between Managing and Leading

It’s been said many times by many different people that everything rises or falls on leadership. I don’t think that’s …

9 Actions You Must Take to Reach Your Biggest Goals (Part 1)

There is nothing more powerful than a focused life. The more focused your life is the more impact it will …

8 Ways to Give Definition to Your Ministry

Ministry is too important to be done haphazardly. How we’re leading in the core of our churches has to do …

Restate Your Church Vision Every 30 Days

One of your most important roles as a pastor is as vision caster. Sharing the vision of your church can’t …

4 Options When Your Church Doesn’t Match the Community

What do you do when your church no longer looks like the community that surrounds it? Focus on what your …

Church Planters: 5 Steps to Take but Take Them Slow

Every church needs a plan to disciple its congregation. You need a plan to take people from “come and see” …

7 Ways to Help Others Understand the Vision

A lot of people have great vision. But you’ll never see your vision become a reality unless you communicate it …

Like Jesus, Challenge Those You Lead

Jesus consistently challenges his followers. And, because we’re each unique, Jesus knows each of us needs a different type of …

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