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Who Needs Recovery?

I get asked from time to time, “Do I need recovery?” I love the question because the answer is easy. …

What Is Your Pathway for Spiritual Growth?

Every week you have an audience who gathers to worship, listens to preaching, and considers being on mission in their …

Building Purpose Driven Churches the Jesus Way

I was talking with a group of pastors in Rwanda and they asked me to tell them what it meant …

How to Grow and Serve Effectively According to Timothy and Paul

As leaders we cannot successfully walk through ministry alone. We must be connected to people who are ahead of us …

4 Habits that Help People Become Like Jesus

There’s no such thing as instant spiritual growth; it’s a gradual process of development. The Bible says, “So let us …

5 Tools to Help People Grow Spiritually

All living things grow. It’s evidence of life. If a child doesn’t grow to physical maturity, that’s a tragedy. And …

4 Things That Matter Most in Holiday Giving Campaigns

You’ll hear one word more than any other during the holiday season. I’d like to say that word is Jesus or …

8 Steps to Getting Out of Debt

It’s impossible to estimate the kind of good the church could do for the world if every believer was financially …

Making Disciples Takes More Than One Big Weekend

Big-attendance days, like Easter and Christmas, are important for the growth of a church. You get to meet a lot …

Four Practical Reasons for Small Groups

We may attract attenders through preaching, but disciples are made in small groups. When you’re leading a campaign, like 40 …

How to Help Church Attenders Become Church Members

The difference between being a church attender and a church member is commitment. Attenders are spectators from the sidelines; members …

How to Have a Ministry of Building People

You can be a homebuilder, bodybuilder, reputation builder, or a retirement-nest-egg builder. None of those things will last, but there …

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