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small groups

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5 Leadership Attributes for Every Leader to Work On

Summer is a great time to reflect on your leadership. You are between the “start of the year” season of …

9 Baby Steps that Lead to Big Commitments

When I think about the commitments I’ve made that led to spiritual growth, often a very small step took me …

The Importance of Gathering Your Small Group Leaders

There are two questions inherent in every small group ministry: How do you get people connected into new groups, and …

January Is the Perfect Time to Add More Small Groups

January is the perfect time to add more small groups. Tell your members small groups are important because: 1. Small …

4 Essential Elements of Healthy Small Groups

When it comes to fellowship, size matters: Smaller is better. You can worship with a crowd, but you can’t fellowship …

How to Keep the People You’re Reaching

Every church loses people. It’s a natural part of living in our current culture. Two to three percent will likely …

Small Groups: Fellowship Is a Verb

In early 2000, our leadership team began asking the question: What does a healthy follower of Christ look like? If …

The 10 Building Blocks of Biblical Community (Part 2)

Churches must grow larger and smaller at the same time. The larger a church gets, the more intentional it has …

The 10 Building Blocks of Biblical Community (Part 1)

What the public generally knows about Saddleback Church is that we have a large weekend attendance, but what the outside …

Five Ways to Have Transformational Small Groups

Saddleback Church might seem like a large church on Sunday, but what’s really amazing is that we’re actually larger when …

Strategic Evangelism: 3 Effective Outreach Opportunities

Evangelism is the responsibility of every believer. There is no such thing as the “gift of evangelism,” rather, all Christians have the …

Taking Risks and Seizing Opportunities

When you or your people are presented with an opportunity to grow, a certain degree of risk is always involved. …

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