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small groups

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How to Keep the Small Groups You Start

Right now at Saddleback Church we are in the thick of it! We are finishing up our “Live Your Calling” …

12 Tips for a Successful Campaign

Having lived through 9 campaigns (running point on 5) in my 12 years as Small Group Pastor here at Saddleback, …

Give Your Small Group Leaders What Matters for Christmas

If you are like so many people across the world, you are thinking through what is it is you can …

10 Things to Think About Before Starting a Small Groups Ministry

1. Know where you are headed When you consider a believer, a follower of Christ in your church, what is …

Fellowship Is a Verb

In early 2000, our leadership team began asking the question: What does a healthy follower of Christ look like? If …

10 Ways to Keep the Passion In Your Small Group Ministry

A relationship full of love and passion will go on forever. Right? Reality shows tell us that statement just might …

Have an Elevator Pitch For Your Small Group Ministry

You know the drill. You are waiting for an elevator, any elevator. The door opens; you walk in, face the …

The Strategy of Connecting People

Before I share four current learnings we have had here at Saddleback Church in the last couple of years on …

Changing Diapers & Spiritual Health

Before you can build your small group strategy, you have to realize the importance of working on your own spiritual …

Small Groups: 4 Kinds that Expand Ministry

Saddleback outgrew me a long time ago. If Saddleback were limited to the number of people I could personally care …

10 Lessons Churches Should Learn from the Apple Store

What follows below is a post from Guy Kawasaki who was for many years a “chief evangelist” for all things Apple and …

Leadership, Jesus, and Your Small Group Ministry

Small group ministry is all about people. Day in and day out at Saddleback Church I could spend the majority …

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